President’s Message

Hooray for August!  I’m so happy to put July behind us and am eagerly looking forward to starting another year of fun activities.   We have some new Board Members and Committee Chairs that we hope will bring fresh ideas and energy, and compliment the wonderful experience and thoughtfulness of our existing members.  Carolyn Jewell will be helping Sandy Stevens plan and organize luncheons and Happy Hours.  Janet DeSantis is our new VP of Programs, and will be working with Mary Dahlberg to bring interesting and informative programs to our Membership meetings.  Linda Mueller and Elizabeth DeBoer are intensely busy putting together our new Directory, which will be published very soon.  Judith Ernst is continuing to record the decisions and plans of the Board and creating the collective memory as our Recording Secretary.  Jill Bronk and Chris Zoch have already transferred the Treasurer’s role and the power of the checkbook to Jill. Many of you have already “met” our new Corresponding Secretary, Nancy Tubbs, who has been busy keeping in touch with Birthday cards and other greetings.  Finally, my special thanks go to Judy Beaumont for helping to guide me and the Board  as our Past President and Parliamentarian.

I will share more information about our Committee Chairs in the next Newsletter, but two timely bits of news that I know will interest you are:  Trudy Snell is planning our much anticipated first tea outing for August 26th.  And, we’re heading back to the movie theaters!  Bonnie Armstrong will be planning movie outings to local theaters.