May 2016 President’s Message

I hope all VISTA Friends and newcomers are benefiting from our extra activities. Coffee is our”coming together”, but the side groups are what really helps our friendships.

We had our yearly election last coffee. Our new officers are pretty much of an extension of last year’s , with some exceptions.
President Juanita Savage
1st VP LEOS and Luncheons Trudy Snell

2nd VP programs Janet Leary and Carla Berhold 3rd VP membership Karen Taylor
Treasurer Linda Mueller
Recording Sec. Mary Dahlberg

Corresponding sec. Diane Granger

I will be looking forward to filling out our groups chairpersons. If you would like to participate in the leadership of our special club, please volunteer for a chairmanship.

The installation luncheon will be on our regular coffee day, Thursday, June 9. (see page 5 for more info.) Husbands, friends and significant others are invited This is one of our 2 off site meetings for the year.

It will be interesting to see how we use our scarves in the future. The scarf group that met at Karen’s was a hoot.

Our yoga meeting inspired several members to go stretch after our April demonstration. So easy.

May coffee will be a tea put on by the exec committee to show our appreciation for the participation of our members.

See you in May
Juanita Savage

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