August 2016 President’s Message

Did you notice we had four new guests last coffee? Wilma had the Tribune print an Invitation and we had good responses. (also a couple of resident men who left after they got their cookies) Hey, your dues are paid, now come and join in our activities. We haven’t seen some of you lately. Yes, we know it’s time for visiting families and far away places. We will be holding a BINGO PARTY for the residents of ARCADIA PLACE on Monday, SEPTEMBER 19th. This will be a thank you to the residents for letting us use their facility for our meetings. We will be giving cash to the winners, so we want enough Newcomers to help it go smoothly. We do appreciate the use of their room. Please lets have some volunteers. You do not nee.d to be on the board, or a chairperson to be of help. Judy, the new social director of Arcadia Place, gave us a warning that they have their own way of playing BINGO. We will have to find out about this. She will advise us, but it was a warning. Could someone make up a flyer to hand out to the residents? It will be a festive occasion , as we have not interacted much with the people who live there recently. Please volunteer to help with this special day. Let Juanita know you can help make our gratitude known.

Happy Summer, Juanita