February President’s Message

Thanks to Trudy Snell for leading the business meeting at the coffee in January. I had a broken tooth that needed pulling. All’s well now. I had the list of ladies who supplied goodies (December Birthdays) with me at the dentist. Soooo, thanks to Mary Held, Anne Johnston, Sandy Stevens, and Doris Teich for supplying refreshments last month.

The nominating committee is working now. If you would like to help in the working of our group as a board member or chairman of a committee give a shout out, or a whisper to Trudy, our nominating committee chairperson.We need participation to keep our group going.

Let’s all stay healthy during this cold,, wet month. It didn’t take long for us to get tired of Southern California’ s winter weather did it.? We are so spoiled and lucky to live here. See you soon.
