April 2017 President’s Message

I am writing this for Juanita as she is ill. We wish her a speedy recovery. Hope you will glean much information at our April program about TSA and their rules and regulations.

We will also be voting on the new slate of officers at the April coffee. If you would like to hold a chair ship or continue in your current position, please let the newly elected officers know.

We have many fun activities in which all may participate. Happy Hours in March was attended by 16 members and 2 spouses. All had a good time. The tour of Doctor Bronner’s Soap Factory, on April 19, promises to be informative and fun. Please sign up with Wilma.

The Holiday Luncheon committee is already hard at work on plans for the party. So start saving your money for the Holiday Party.

Juanita (by Trudy)