Presidents’ Message

Hello Ladies,

VFN has been contacted by the Oceanside Newcomers to explore the feasibility of consolidating the two groups. Your board has agreed that it is important to explore this proposal without any preconceptions. We ask for your support during this process which will not actively begin until early next year. We would welcome from you those questions which you believe it is most important that we answer in order to make the most informed decision possible. In an effort to avoid possible rumors as we undertake this process, please contact a board member for the most accurate information. We will also use the newsletter to keep you updated.
We need your help. We are having some difficulty getting the appointed interest group to help with the monthly hospitality set up. Further on in this newsletter is a list of the interest groups and the month they are expected to assist. The hospitality chairman will contact the interest group chairman well in advance of the coffee meeting to allow sufficient time to line up helpers. The helpers will assist in bringing the plastic tubs holding hospitality supplies into Arcadia Place and do any other small things needed to set the room up and prepare the coffee for our meeting.

Next month we are going to take a look at whether or not there is an ongoing need to have both a recording and a corresponding secretary. It would seem that as our numbers have diminished and the world has changed the tasks involved could be handled by one person. Please share your thoughts on this with Trudy and me.

Did you know that VFN is paying a $6 portion of each member’s holiday luncheon cost? This December luncheon is always a special event and a lovely way to reconnect with people we may not see frequently. This year we are holding the luncheon at the Twin Oaks Golf Club. This is a new venue for us and Linda Mueller and her “elves” are sure to make this a memorable time for us! (see flyer on page

In friendship, Trudy & Janet