President’s Message

Greetings Vista Friends and Happy October!
Now that the weather is turning cool, it makes me think of making soup.  I thought I’d share my favorite soup recipe with you all.  It comes from America’s Test Kitchen, but it’s not too fussy :)It is delicious.  Enjoy!
Sweet Potato Soup
4 tablespoons butte,r 1 shallot, chopped, 4 sprigs fresh thyme, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, scrubbed, peeled and chopped—reserve 1/4 of the peels,1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

In a large pot, sauté shallot and thyme (just toss in the whole springs) in butter until shallot is translucent.  Add 4 1/4 C water to the shallots and thyme and bring to a boil.  Turn off the heat!  Add chopped sweet potatoes and 1/4 of the peels.  Steep 20 minutes.
Add brown sugar, cider vinegar, salt and pepper and turn on heat to med-high.  Cook 10 minutes, remove from heat.  Remove thyme sprigs.  Puree soup WITH peels 45-50 seconds in batches of 1/2 blender-full.  Always cover blender lid with a towel, to control hot liquid.
I hope you enjoy the cooler weather and this soup as much as I do.

See you soon—Shirley

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