President’s Message

November is a time to reflect on all that we are thankful for and I thought I’d take this opportunity to share my thanks with you all.  I am thankful for my family: my sister, four cats, and two dogs who bring me joy and new challenges every day.  I’m thankful for the many friends I made during my working career and I’m happy that I still enjoy their friendships and have lots of fun adventures with them.  Finally, I am very thankful for the many new friends that I’ve made by joining Vista Friends and Newcomers.  I appreciate your warmth, camaraderie, and all the many activities we enjoy together.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Results of the Newsletter Poll
We had 13 participants in the Newsletter Poll.  Here’s a brief summary of the responses:

  1. The respondents all read all of the Newsletter.
  2. Things they liked most include: “Getting to know you,” the variety of activities we provide, the recommendations for what to stream on TV, the new devices and tips column, and weekly reminders of upcoming activities.
  3. Nobody skips reading any part of the Newsletter.  Seven people suggested that an editor or proofreader might be helpful.
  4. There were several suggestions about what could be added: a cooking column; a brief description of the functions of the groups and what acronyms stand for; and a humor column.

This November issue of the Newsletter will include the debut of the humor column, edited by Bonnie Armstrong—you are sure to get a chuckle from her first piece!  Linda Mueller will edit the recipe column.  With her experience in the LEI (Let’s Eat In) group, we’re in store for a tasty Thanksgiving.

Thank you for your helpful suggestions!  The Board will work on implementing all of them.

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