President’s Message July 2024

Greetings! Happy July and Happy 4th. I want to thank Judy Beaumont for a great 23/24 VFN year.  She’s a hard act to follow. I am so excited to be President of VFN.  It is an honor that I hope I can fulfill.  Thank you for having faith in me.  

We hope to get the new year off to a great beginning.  Summer is always filled with excitement and fun and outdoor activities. If you have any suggestions for an outdoor activity that all club members could participate in please let me know.  You are the eyes and ears of the club to keep it vital.  

Please be sure to attend the the July General meeting on July 11 at the Broken Yolk in Oceanside so we can renew acquaintances and give a direction for our new year.  

We need a Coordinator of Special Events.This would be someone that would set up activities. It doesn’t need to be on a regular basis. Maybe two or three a year.  Activities in the past were Picnic at Double Peak park, A day at the movies, A visit to a special play or art exhibit at the Escondido Performing Arts or a local play at Moonlight or another theater. 

Please let any of the Board members know if you would be willing to coordinate the Special Events. Thanks. 

Hope to see you all at the General Breakfast meeting on July 11 at 9:30 at the Broken Yolk. 

Judith Ernst

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