Article I – Name
The organization will be known as Vista Friends & Newcomers, herein after referred to as the “Club”.
Article II – Purpose and Objectives
Vista Friends and Newcomers is a social club of lifelong friendship, fun activities and productive interests in the community.
Article III – Membership
Section I
Regular Membership will include anyone in good standing that has paid current annual dues.
Section II
Anyone eligible to be a member may attend only two (2) functions prior to payment of membership dues.
Section III
Membership discrimination based on age, race, color or national origin will not be permitted.
Section IV
Any member may voluntarily resign from the Club. Officers and members of the Club should not take an action which could bring about allegation of discriminatory action, libel, or slander considered derogatory to any member. Officers and committee members shall be diligent in carrying out their responsibilities. Failure to do so may bring about their removal from office or committee
Article IV – Eligibility to Hold Office
Section I
Any member of the Club will be eligible to serve.
Article V – Organization
Section I
The duties of the officers and committee chairs will be those normally pertaining to their offices.
Section II
- The elected officers will be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary.
- The officers will be elected at the Membership Meeting in May of each year by a majority of members present.
- Elected officers will serve for one (1) year beginning on July 1. No officer shall serve more than two (2) years consecutively in the same position, unless the members decide otherwise.
- Vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the Board, except for the office of the President, which will automatically be filled by the First Vice President.
- Duties of Elected Officers
- President
- Will have general supervision of all club matters
- Will preside at the Board and Membership meetings
- Will make the following appointments: Audit committee and Chair of the Nominating Committee, and Chairs of all standing committees.
- First Vice-President
- Will preside in the absence of the President
- Will oversee all dining activities
- Should the office of the President become vacant, it shall be be filled by the First Vice President.
- Second Vice-President (Programs)
- Will preside in the absence of the President and the First Vice-President
- Will arrange for all programs
- Third Vice-President (Membership)
- Will be in charge of membership and collect all dues
- Will transfer all dues (monies) to the Treasurer as received
- Will be in charge of name tags and special interest sheets
- Will greet guests and new members and make them feel welcome
- Will coordinate the preparation of the member roster (directory) annually, once dues are collected.
- Treasurer
- Will deposit all dues and fees, maintain the Club’s bank account, keep accurate records of the Club’s finances and distribute funds on the order of the Board
- Will prepare a monthly statement of financial reports and present it to the Board at their meeting
- Will present the audited financial records to the new Treasurer by July 31.
- Will destroy financial records older than seven (7) years
- Will be responsible for filing state and federal tax returns
- Recording Secretary
- Will record all minutes, and distribute copies to the Board.
- Will keep a copy of the current by-laws and standing rules
- Corresponding Secretary
- Will receive, read and respond to all correspondence
- Will send out all correspondence whenever it is appropriate
Section III – Standing Committee Chairs
- The President will appoint all committee chairs
- All committee chairs will report to the President and the Board
Section IV – Board
- The Board will consist of the elected officers. Only elected officers may vote. The President only votes as a tie-breaker or to complete a quorum.
- It will be the duty of the Board to coordinate plans and activities, and have general management of the Club.
- The Board shall meet monthly, except during December.
Article VI – Election of Officers
Section I
The Nominating Committee will consist of three (3) members; a chairperson appointed by the President in January, and two (2) members determined by the chairperson, who will present a slate to the Board in March, and announce the slate to the membership at the April meeting. In May, additional nominations can be made from the floor, with the approval of the nominee and added to the slate and voted upon.
Section II
- Election of Officers will be held in May, and the results announced. Should the slate consist of only one member per office, the vote will be by acclamation. If there is more than one candidate per office, the vote will be by written ballot and the nominating committee will count the votes. The newly elected officers will be installed in June, and assume their positions July 1.
- Joint office holders (two persons) will be considered one position on the Board and have only a single vote.
Article VII – Finance
Section I – Dues
- The amount of the annual dues will be assessed for regular membership and determined by the Board at the April meeting.
- Dues will be deposited by the Treasurer.
- Dues will be (July 1 – June 30) yearly.
- Dues will not be refunded.
- Dues must be received by July 1.
Section II – Accounting of Funds
- Funds must be accounted for by the Treasurer.
- Expenditures exceeding the budget must be approved by the Board before the expense is incurred and paid.
- The books will be audited annually by mid-August by a committee of members appointed by the President.
- The Budget Committee will consist of the President, Treasurer and one person from the general membership appointed by the President. The Budget Committee will prepare a proposed budget and submit it to the Board for the approval at the April Board meeting.
- The approved budget will be presented to the membership at the May Membership Meeting.
“Article VIII – Parliamentary Procedure
Section I
- The Board will employ simplified Parliamentary Procedure to conduct meetings.
- An agenda is prepared in advance by the President. New business may be proposed by any member and placed on the Agenda, along with standing Agenda items.
- Standing agenda items include: Approval of previous meeting minutes, Budget report, Reports from Board members and Committee Chairs.
- Discussions of proposals are respectful: one person speaks at a time, discussion time should be limited by speakers.
- Decisions are made by majority vote of elected Board members. At least 3 Board members must be present to have a vote. The President only votes as a tie-breaker or to complete a quorum.
- The immediate past President will serve as Parliamentarian and shall serve on the Board in an advisory position.
Article IX – Amendments to the By-Laws
Section I
The By-Laws may be amended provided:
- The proposed amendment has been approved by the Board.
- The membership is notified of the proposed amendment one (1) month prior to voting.
- The amendment receives a two-thirds vote of the paid members present.
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — Dr. SeussArticle X – Annual Review
Section I
- Revisions can be proposed and implemented at any time during the year.
Article XI – Dissolution
Section I
The organization, Vista Friends & Newcomers, may be dissolved in the same way as Articles IX, Section I, in the amending of the By-Laws. In the event of dissolution, all bills will be paid, and all funds remaining will be contributed to a charity exempt from taxes and selected by the Board.
- All active members will pay dues as determined by the Board each year, due July 1st. Members joining January 1st through June 30th will pay half of the determined amount.
- Directories shall be clearly marked CONFIDENTIAL, and must not be used by any club member in the promotion of any business interest. Members may purchase extra copies at $3.00 each, but copies may not be sold for other purposes including charitable fun raising.
- Officers and Committee Chairs shall be responsible for maintaining their duties.
- Monthly Membership meetings will be held the second Thursday of the month. No meeting will be held in December, as the Holiday Party is held in December.
- Board Meetings will be held the first Thursday of each month.