Hi Everyone,
As I sit here with my dog Poppy in my 645 sq. ft. apartment, I am thinking about all of you. It certainly is a time of uncertainty for all of us. The news that California is in a statewide stay at home order due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, makes it harder for us to stay in touch. I’m going a little stir crazy in my 645 sq. ft. apartment. I’m walking the dog, watching TV and reading. I’ve even decided to cook!! My freezer is stocked with soup, pasta sauce and some frozen meats.
I had some muffins, sausage and cheese left over from the book club meeting that I had a couple of weeks ago, so I froze them. My intention was to take it to Stitch & Bitch. Unfortunately, I have pulled all that out and have been eating it. I ate two Costco muffins yesterday and you know how big those are! I need to take my mind off eating so I decided to reach out to all of you with this question: WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHILE YOU ARE HOME? Maybe you are doing something that is better than I am doing.
I pray you and your families are safe and healthy. We will get through this! I can’t wait to see all of you again at our general membership coffee and events. Let’s stay in touch 😀
Judy BeaumontPresident, VFN
President’s Message
President’s Letter – March
We are growing!!!! Forty – nine paid members and one pending. We had 18 at the February meeting and we had a great VFN Birthday and Valentines gift exchange. Thanks to Mary and Janet for planning this event. Please consider attending the March meeting? Wear your green in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Come and meet our new memberts and reacquaint yourself with VFN friends you haven’t seen for awhile!
Judy Beaumont
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President’s Message
Fall is officially here and our thoughts begin to think of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas plans. There are a couple of events in October that may give you some ideas for Christmas gifts. Our calendar for VFN is filling up fast. At October Breakfast Meeting we will be learning the art of Quilling and will be making an Ornament. You will need to bring a couple of items with you. Please read the Monthly Meeting Calendar Event to find out the items you need to bring. There is no cost for this activity. Everything else will be provided for you. See all of you at Pegahs at the October Breakfast Meeting 9:30 at Pegahs in Vista
Judy Beaumont
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President’s Letter June 1
Hi Vista friends,
I will be ending my second term as President on June 13. I have enjoyed my second adventure with you all. I will now be devoting more time to my garden and grandchildren and my hobbies. I will be serving as your new Theater Chair and on the Board as President Emeritus. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Installation Tea on June 13 at the Shadowridge Country Club at 11:30. Don’t forget dues are due by July 1.
Please support your new board and enjoy our many activities.
Happy Everything, Trudy
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Presidents Letter, March 2019
Hi Vista friends,
Wishing you all the luck of the Irish. Hopefully you will able to attend some of the activities scheduled for this month. We have some fun activities planned for you.
Movies, Quail Botanical Gardens, Fine Dining, Happy Hour, Bunco, Game Group, Bridge, Luncheon, Coffee Meeting which is now located at Pegah’s on Sante Fe in Vista. I might suggest the Strawberry Crepes at Pegah’s the are yummy.
As ever, Trudy
President’s Letter, February 2019
Hi Vista friends,
What a fun meeting we had in January at Pegah’s. The Chinese Auction was a lot of fun. We will be meeting there in February also. Remember we will be celebrating our beginnings and also Valentine’s Day with a wrapped Valentine gift for exchange. And we will be eating a nice celebration cake in addition to our breakfast.
What fun some of us had at the special event in January, where we made stained glass mosaics. (see some photos on page 7 ). February’s special event should be fun also and the view from Double Peak Park is super. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Trudy Snell