President’s Message

Looking forward to a festive Holiday

Luncheon and seeing all of you to wish you the happiest of holidays.

Please be aware that our Coffee meetings in January and February will be at Pegah’s restaurant in Vista. We will meet at 10 a.m. and have breakfast while we are there. There will be no Brunch Bunch in January or February. Sure hope you are able to join us. A Chinese Auction is planned for January and in February we will be celebrating the 29th Anniversary of Vista Friends & Newcomers.

On a sad note, we lost one of our founding members in November, Maureen Tutino. We will miss her. Her services are at St. Thomas More church in Vista on Friday, Dec. 7 at 11:00. Hope that some of you will be able to attend.

Happy Holiday and Happy New Year, Trudy

Presidents’ Message

Hello Ladies,

What an informative and entertaining speaker we had at the November Coffee. Thank you to Lynn Hillman for arranging for her, Dorothy Chance, to speak. Doris Teich has done another fine job of selling our Entertainment Books. We made $161 on them. Thank you, Doris.

We are looking forward to a funfilled and wonderful Holiday Party on Dec. 7. Don’t forget to bring your Toy for the Marines. Hope to see you all there.
If you are unable to attend, we wish you the very best of Holidays and all the best for the coming year. We are hoping to see more of you at all our fun events.

We are looking for a Corresponding Secretary for the rest of the year. If you would be interested in this position, please contact Janet or Trudy. Lynn Hillman is unable to continue in this position.

Please do not hesitate in the coming year to approach us about any concerns that you may have regarding Vista Friends and Newcomers or with new activity ideas

Happy Holidays & New Year,

Janet & Trudy

Presidents’ Message

Hello Ladies,

VFN has been contacted by the Oceanside Newcomers to explore the feasibility of consolidating the two groups. Your board has agreed that it is important to explore this proposal without any preconceptions. We ask for your support during this process which will not actively begin until early next year. We would welcome from you those questions which you believe it is most important that we answer in order to make the most informed decision possible. In an effort to avoid possible rumors as we undertake this process, please contact a board member for the most accurate information. We will also use the newsletter to keep you updated.
We need your help. We are having some difficulty getting the appointed interest group to help with the monthly hospitality set up. Further on in this newsletter is a list of the interest groups and the month they are expected to assist. The hospitality chairman will contact the interest group chairman well in advance of the coffee meeting to allow sufficient time to line up helpers. The helpers will assist in bringing the plastic tubs holding hospitality supplies into Arcadia Place and do any other small things needed to set the room up and prepare the coffee for our meeting.

Next month we are going to take a look at whether or not there is an ongoing need to have both a recording and a corresponding secretary. It would seem that as our numbers have diminished and the world has changed the tasks involved could be handled by one person. Please share your thoughts on this with Trudy and me.

Did you know that VFN is paying a $6 portion of each member’s holiday luncheon cost? This December luncheon is always a special event and a lovely way to reconnect with people we may not see frequently. This year we are holding the luncheon at the Twin Oaks Golf Club. This is a new venue for us and Linda Mueller and her “elves” are sure to make this a memorable time for us! (see flyer on page

In friendship, Trudy & Janet

Presidents’ Message

What a fun time we had at the September Coffee Meeting. Our entertainer Jim Gibson got some of us up and dancing. Rosters were handed out, what a great job Sandy did on them. Kudo’s to the Book Club and Lynn Hillman for set up etc. Doris Teisch had the Entertainment Books at the coffee, if you would like one please contact her. Thank you, Doris for undertaking this fundraiser. Thank you, to Mary Dahlberg, Mary Held, Linda Mueller for helping with the Bingo for the Arcadia Residents.

We are looking for some more members to come forward with program ideas. Please call Virginia Hueth to present your ideas.

Plan on attending the Holiday Party. Please see more information on Here.

In Friendship, Janet & Trudy

President’s Message

Dear Vista Friends,
Your board continues to examine and implement ways to make our group both viable and vibrant. Below is some of the latest news on that front.
The monthly hospitality tasks have been redistributed. Lynn Hillman will oversee this process, (that means the coffee and supplies ride around in the trunk of her car) and the calling tree will still remind the birthday girls to bring treats. What is different is that every month one of the interest sub-groups will be responsible for helping Lynn bring the supply box in from her car and set-up and take down the room.
The sub-groups have been set-up in a monthly rotation and the head of each sub-group is responsible for seeing that the ladies in that group step up and do their part. For example:

September-Book Club






March-Stitch & Bitch

There is some confusion in my notes for April & May so I won’t go further, but I think you have the idea. The “Mailing of paper newsletters” invoices have gone out to those who have been receiving printed newsletters. It offers them the option to go to e-mail; arrange for e-mail to a friend or relative on their behalf or pay $33 to continue to receive a paper newsletter. The deadline for those responses is October 12, 2017.

You may recall that some years ago Arcadia Place asked that we start our meetings at 9:30 am. Since then “the creep” has set in and our starting time has been drifting back toward 10:00 am. Effective this month we will start our meeting at 9:45 am. That will give you time between 9:30 and 9:45 to get your coffee and socialize a bit before we start. We want to be thoughtful as to our guest status with Arcadia Place.

With kindest regards, Janet & Trudy

Presidents’ Message

Hi Vista Friends,
We are proud to announce the start of a new eating group called “Fine Dining”. There is a detailed article about the new venture a little further on in this newsletter. (page 6) Possibly on a quarterly basis we will eat at an upscale restaurant (with prices to match) somewhere in northern San Diego county. This dining experience may be a lunch, brunch or dinner depending on the hostess’s preference. Spouses and significant others are welcome to join us. Our aim is to have an exceptional meal with exceptional service and ambiance and enjoy it with our Vista Friends.
On a very different note, We need to share with you what a difficult process it was recently as we struggled to establish a 2017/2018 operating budget. It is no surprise that, for a variety of reasons, our membership continues to decline which means, in turn, our operating revenue is diminished. We have had to make a couple of very, very difficult decisions just to make ends meet in the coming year.
We are taking just under $1,000 from our checking account and applying it to the operating budget. Wehave never had to do this before and it diminishes our liquidity cushion, but the unacceptable alternative was to reduce some of the things we enjoy most in our group.
Secondly, we will be charging a separate annual fee to those who receive the newsletter by mail. We understand that some of you do not own a computer while others of you do not wish to print out the newsletter using your own paper and ink. The painful reality is that Vista Friends can no long afford to carry this cost for these members. We know some of you are thinking you dues must cover this cost, but the sad fact is that none of this cost is covered by dues and members who receive the newsletter electronically are actually carrying the paper newsletter cost which benefits only about 15% of our membership. Annually the cost for each member receiving a paper copy of the newsletter is $33. The board and the budget committee have tried to look at this from many different ways but it always boiled down to making this difficult decision. At the August coffee the board will welcome your input and then at the August board meeting a decision will be made concerning the specifics of this new assessment.
We wish we had better financial news but the plain fact is without making these hard choices the ongoing viability of Vista Friends and Newcomers is at stake.
With kindest regards, Janet & Trudy


Hi Vista Friends,
We are proud to announce the start of a new eating group called “Fine Dining”. There is a detailed article about the new venture a little further on in this newsletter. (page 6) Possibly on a quarterly basis we will eat at an upscale restaurant (with prices to match) somewhere in northern San Diego county. This dining experience may be a lunch, brunch or dinner depending on the hostess’s preference. Spouses and significant others are welcome to join us. Our aim is to have an exceptional meal with exceptional service and ambiance and enjoy it with our Vista Friends.

On a very different note, We need to share with you what a difficult process it was recently as we struggled to establish a 2017/2018 operating budget. It is no surprise that, for a variety of reasons, our membership continues to decline which means, in turn, our operating revenue is diminished. We have had to make a couple of very, very difficult decisions just to make ends meet in the coming year.

We are taking just under $1,000 from our checking account and applying it to the operating budget. We have never had to do this before and it diminishes our liquidity cushion, but the unacceptable alternative was to reduce some of the things we enjoy most in our group.

Secondly, we will be charging a separate annual fee to those who receive the newsletter by mail. We understand that some of you do not own a computer while others of you do not wish to print out the newsletter using your own paper and ink. The painful reality is that Vista Friends can no long afford to carry this cost for these members. We know some of you are thinking your dues must cover this cost, but the sad fact is that none of this cost is covered by dues and members who receive the newsletter electronically are actually carrying the paper newsletter cost which benefits only about 15% of our membership. Annually the cost for each member receiving a paper copy of the newsletter is $33. The board and the budget committee have tried to look at this from many different ways but it always boiled down to making this difficult decision. At the August coffee the board will welcome your input and then at the August board meeting a decision will be made concerning the specifics of this new assessment.

We wish we had better financial news but the plain fact is without making these hard choices the ongoing viability of Vista Friends and Newcomers is at stake.

With kindest regards, Janet & Trudy

Presidents’ Letter

 We are looking forward to a fun-filled, exciting year, filled with new experiences for all. But in order for this to happen, we need your contribution of time, volunteering, friendship and participation in our varied activities.

If you have not paid your dues yet, please do so. We need your dues no later than July 15, as we will be finalizing the VFN roster shortly after that date.

If there is a event or happening you would like to see us attend please let us know. If there is a new group or experience you think our members would like please let us know about it.

In Friendship, Janet & Trudy

President’s Letter

June is transition month. Be sure to attend the installation luncheon at the Hunter restaurant.  We will order off the menu so we don’t have to pay early and can choose what we want.  We do need reservations, however.  It would be great to have our newer members join us for this occasion. The luncheon will be held on our regular Coffee day, June 8th.

Contact Trudy Snell 760-758-4120, or Juanita Savage 760-746-9115 to reserve your spot

Vacations are being planned by our members.  We have a lot of adventurers.  Most of our activities continue through the summer.

Dues are due.  Remember to get yours in by the end of June.  This would really help our new treasurer and membership chair..

Put on your Thinking Cap. Think of a place to go for lunch or Lets eat out dinner. Sign up when the new board asks  for suggestions   Special events will need sign ups, too.  If you have been to a place or event we would enjoy attending.  Sometimes we might enjoy going back somewhere we have been in the past. We enjoyed viewing the results of our talented members at last coffee.  Practice and patience and persistence are used.


May President’s Message

Those of us who went on our special event to the Dr. Bronner’s Soap Factory can now wash our dog, our kitchen, our windows, or our body. They gave us samples of several products so now we can wash most anything. We had a really good tour and very interesting. Does anyone in the group know of other tours of businesses such as the fire department, the sheriff station, or manufacturing of a product? This could be an idea for coming special events.

We learned at our last coffee what we can and cannot take on an airplane. TSA keeps changing the rules. We learned what’s up to date.
Get your calendar out and keep track of our activities. This will be a fun, busy time for us, with the installation luncheon at the Hunter. The new board will be making changes to our business as usual.
We are sorry to be saying adios to our former president, Karen Taylor,who sold her house and closed escrow so quickly. She is moving to northern California to be closer to family. We will miss her.
