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Book Club – April Book: Criminal Justice
May 12, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Hello from the depths of Quarantine or self isolation:
Mary and I were thinking it was time to plan our next book club. We realize we can do this through Zoom! So I am planning on hosting our next book club meeting
on Tuesday, May 12th at 10:00 am. The book is our April choice, Criminal Justice. It will be so nice to actually see each other after so long. I will be scheduling this meeting and sending you exact directions on how to join in. We will, hopefully, have 2 hours. I know that a lot of us are used to being in our PJ’s every day. The good thing about this is you only have to dress from the waist up. No one will see your bottoms!! I am hoping that you will all be joining us. When I send you the directions it is quite easy to get on. Please let me know nay or yay. If any of you are unable to use your computers for lack of knowledge, call me at the time of the meeting and I will walk you through it. I am excited to see you all!