
Linda Mueller’s Club House 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside, California, United States

Every Wednesday at Linda Mueller’s Club House, at 10:00 am, 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside. Judy Patterson, 760 598-6814.

Mahjong – Cancelled

Linda Mueller’s Club House 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside, California, United States

Every Wednesday at Linda Mueller’s Club House, at 10:00 am, 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside. Judy Patterson, 760 598-6814

Mahjong – Cancelled

Linda Mueller’s Club House 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside, California, United States

Every Wednesday at Linda Mueller’s Club House, at 10:00 am, 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside. Judy Patterson, 760 598-6814


Virtual Event Virtual Event

Mahjongg is now meeting every wed at 10a.m. via Real Mah Jonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every wed at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every wed at 10a.m. via Real Mah Jonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]

Restricted content

Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in […]


Mahjongg is Wednesday, November 4 at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in playing.


Book Club ZOOM CA, United States

Mahjongg is Wednesday, November 11 at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in playing.


Mahjongg is Wednesday, November 18 at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in playing.


Mahjongg is Wednesday, November 18th at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in playing.


Mahjongg is Wednesday, November 25th at 10a.m. via RealMahJonggg Online.  Program is free for first two weeks and then $5.99 per month.  Using this program we can talk and hear the other people at our table, but cannot see them as we see the maj board and tiles. Contact Linda Mueller if interested in playing.


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, January 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


CA, United States

Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, January 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


CA, United States

Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, January 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, February 3rd, 10th, & 17th, 24th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, February 3rd, 10th, & 17th, 24th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, February 3rd, 10th, & 17th, 24th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


Mahjongg is now meeting every Wednesday, February 3rd, 10th, & 17th, 24th at 10a.m. via Online. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess. Linda Mueller 760 231-9032


Linda Mueller’s Club House 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside, California, United States

Mahjong - Meets every wed 10-12 at Oceana Clubhouse with the exception of June 30 and July 7.   MAHJONG will be held at Marilyn Freitag’s home on June 30th and July 7th when Linda will be on vacation. Please mark your calendars!! Please RSVP by June 20th. 818 264-9913=Marilyn Freitag. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!


Linda Mueller’s Club House 4282 Spoonbill, Oceanside, California, United States

Mahjong - Meets every wed 10-12 at Oceana Clubhouse with the exception of June 30 and July 7.   MAHJONG will be held at Marilyn Freitag’s home on June 30th and July 7th when Linda will be on vacation. Please mark your calendars!! Please RSVP by June 20th. 818 264-9913=Marilyn Freitag. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!