Special Event: Don Myers StainedGlass
We will be going to Don Meyers Stained Glass, 1025 S Coast Highway, Oceanside to create our own mosaic piece. Everything you need to complete the project is included in the class. Event to take place January 13, 2019 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Cost for the event will be $40. and included are […]
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Pegahs 945 S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA, United StatesWe will be welcoming a speaker from Camp Pendelton Rotary. Linda Sundram was originally scheduled for the March meeting and became ill. Our speaker will be Linda Sundram from Pendleton Rotary. She is the founder and current president of Rotary Community Service Fund. She will be sharing about the service that is provided to our Marines and families. She […]
Installation of Officers for 2019-2020
Shadowridge Country Club 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista, California, United StatesJune 13 marks the day for the Installation of New Officers. A delightful tea is planned for the Shadowridge Country Club. Time is 11:30-2:00. The cost of the Tea will be $31.00.
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Don Myers Stained Glass 1025 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054 1025 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, United StatesMake a mosaic of your own choosing to hang indoors or out. You will pick the shape and color of your wall hanging. We will also enjoy wine and cheese as we prepare our project. Cost is $40 which includes all materials. Check will be payable the day of the event. Please rsvp to Linda […]