Calendar of Events
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Game Day will be the last Monday of the month, 1:00 PM February 24th at Marilyn Freitag’s 4000 Mission Ave. #3129, Oceanside, CA Please RSVP to Marilyn at 818-264-9913 See you All then.
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The February VFN lunch will be at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse on February 27 at noon. The address is 5613 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad 92008
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Bunco Monday, March 3, at 1:00 pm Bunco will be at Doris’ home. 1557 Madrid Drive. Please RSVP760-599-7123. Don’t forget if you are unable to attend, please call Jan at 805-252-8074 and she will assist in finding a substitute. Note: If you know someone who would like to be a substitute call Jan.
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Mah Jong is played every Wednesday from 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm. We play at Pair-A-Dice, 2020 Hacienda Drive, Suite A, Vista. If you have questions call Jan at 805-252-8074.
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Join Judith, Hadar, and Shirley for Tea and Conversation Monday, March 10th at 1:00 PM at Judith’s home. Feel free to bring your hobby work such as stitching, knitting, coloring, etc., (or just bring yourself) and join in the conversation. At the March meeting, we’ll start with sharing names and contact numbers for great home […]
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The LEI gourmet dining group will meet at Carol Zukowski’s house for our March dinner. Please contact Carol for more information.
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Book Club Will meet on March 11 at 10:00 at Sandy Stevens home 984 Ashton Court Vista, The book we are reading is James by Percival Everett. Please let Sandy know if you plan to attend. 760-390-2397. Everyone is welcome to join. We have very lively discussions.
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Membership Meeting – March 2025
Membership Meeting – March 2025
This month’s program at the Broken Yolk, Thursday, March 13, 9:30AM should be very interesting. Yolanda Hayden is a travel agent and will give us hints and tips for travel. Don't forget to get there on time for the BINGO game!
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VFN Board meeting on March 17 (St. Pat’s Day) will be at Elizabeth’s home at 10:00 AM at 627 Via Bolivia, Vista. Please let Elizabeth know if you plan to attend, 760-208-5421 or We will discuss the Slate of Officers for the 25/26 VFN Board. Wear your green or get pinched. Guest parking is […]
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VFN LEO Lunch will be at Green Dragon Tavern, 6115 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, on March 20th at noon. Please RSVP to Jill Bronk 760-803-4312. Our lunches are a lot of fun and we discover new restaurants and enjoy some we have already been to.
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We are driving to Fallbrook to the Monserate Winery on March 20, 2025 at 3:30 pm. 2757 Gird Rd, Fallbrook, CA 92028. Glasses of wine are from $11 to $21. There are no “flights” in the outside courtyard area. They stop serving at 5:00 pm. They do have a restaurant that has ‘flights’ but you […]
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Game Day will be held the last Monday in March,March 31, 2025, at 1:00pm, at Marilyn Freitag’s home. 4000 Mission Avenue Oceanside Room 3129. Very important that you let Marilyn know if you can be there.We have great fun playing Hand and Foot, Mexican Train and any other game that players would like to play