The Vista Friends Board meets the 1st Thursday of the month, 10:00 AM, at various Board Members homes. The Board Meets this month on January 6th at 10:00 A.M. R.S.V.P. to your Hostess: Sandy Stevens, 760-390-2397
BUNCO meets the first Monday of the month at various members' homes. BUNCO is held the first Monday of the month, March 7, at 1:00 PM at Doris Teich 1557 Madrid Drive, Vista. 760-599-7123.
Book Club meets the 2nd Tuesday at 10:00 AM January 11th- The Source by James Michener, chapters 1-6 at the home of Sandy Stevens. February 8th- The Source, chapters 7-12 at the home of Judith Ernst. March 8th - The Source chapters 13-17. Home of Bunny Hallstrom. Please RSVP your Hostess
Join your friends at the GREEN DRAGON TAVERN, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, on Friday, March 11.12:00 PM. Lobster Roll, anyone? Please text, call, or email to reserve your spot, Sandy Stevens 760-390-2397.
The M & M’s will meet on March 15th at Sandy Stevens 760- 390-2397 984 Ashton Ct, Vista. The menu will be decided by Sandy Stevens and a recipe will be texted or emailed to each of the members.
The Crafts group is just starting up: Hadar Hawk and Shirley Higgins are co-organizing the group. Initially, the group will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month, from 1-3. We hope to switch to morning meetings sometime in the next few months. April’s craft will be trivets. We will be […]
Meets the 4th Monday of every month at 1:00. Various games are planned and is a fun way to spend an afternoon. Game Day will be on March 28th at 1:00 PM. Contact your hostess, Marilyn Freitag 818- 264-9913 110 Ballata Ct, Vista
Special Event - Wine Tour and Tasting - Rescheduled for March 31st at 1:30. Brookings Winery 375 Skyline Dr, Vista, CA. We will have a 2 hour wine tasting and tour starting at 1:30 in the afternoon. Checks or cash can be given to Linda Mueller. Hope to see you there.