We will be getting together on Monday, May 1st at 1:00. Don’t forget if you are unable to attend, please find a substitute. We can only accommodate 3 tables of 4. We really enjoy ourselves.
The Board meeting will be held on Thursday, May 4th at 10:00 AM. Hostess will be Linda Mueller, 4358 Dowitcher Way Oceanside CA. Please RSVP your attendance (760) 231-9032 or lmueller2@gmail.com Due to space only voting board members will attend.
Real time movies will be on the second Tuesday of the month, May 9th (Movie title, time, and seat numbers will be emailed the previous Friday before the movie day.) Vista Cinepolis 25 Main St. Vista. RSVP: (760) 522-4286 or amommasez@gmail.com Bring a good attitude and a happy heart and enjoy a movie with friends!
The book club will meet on Tuesday, May 9th at 10:00 AM. The book will be Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. We will meet at Judith Ernst’s 2053 Oak Glen Drive, Vista. Please RSVP (760) 727-0427 or jderns@aol.com.
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week and the home where we will be playing. If you have any questions, call Jan at 805-252-8074. So excited to […]
The May Membership meeting will be Thursday, May 11th, 9:30am at the Broken Yolk Cafe, 2434 Vista Way, Oceanside. At our May monthly meeting we will be hosting a representative from Arc of North County. Arc provides a variety of services for people with disabilities such as vocational training, work opportunities and community integration. They […]
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week and the home where we will be playing. If you have any questions, call Jan at 805-252-8074. So excited to […]
LUNCHEON - Let’s Go Again! To Green Dragon Tavern, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, at 12 Noon on May 18. Call or text Sandy to be included in the reservation.
Game Day will be held on Monday, May 22nd at 1:00 PM at Marilyn Freitag’s house, 1110 Ballata Ct. Vista. Please RSVP brutus171994@gmail.com (818) 264-9913
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week and the home where we will be playing. If you have any questions, call Jan at 805-252-8074. So excited to […]
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week and the home where we will be playing. If you have any questions, call Jan at 805-252-8074. So excited to […]
Trip to Old Town San Diego Shirley and Janet have a fun excursion planned for Thursday May 25- a train trip to Old Town San Diego!! We will meet at the Carlsbad Village station and catch the 9:43 Coaster train. When we arrive we can browse awhile and then have lunch at Casa Guadalahara. Afterwards […]
Octogenarians is a special group for our members 80+. The Over Eighties Group meets monthly on the last Saturday of the month at various locations chosen by that month’s Birthday member(s). In May we will be celebrating Virginia Hueth’s birthday. The plan is to have an "ICE CREAM SOCIAL” on Saturday, May 27th at 11:00 […]
Octogenarians is a special group for our members 80+. The Over Eighties Group meets monthly on the last Saturday of the month at various locations chosen by that month’s Birthday member(s). "LADIES..arrangements are being made for our June outing..the last Saturday in June..the 24th.. for Carol Zukowski's birthday. Limit of 10. We will be carpooling […]
MAH JONG: Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week and the home where we will be playing. If you have any questions, call Jan at 805-252-8074. So excited to […]
The Board meeting will be held on Thursday, June 1st at 10:00 AM. Hostess will be Shirley Higgins,3552 Seafarer Dr, Oceanside. Please RSVP your attendance shcatmom@gmail.com o (760) 420-5234.