BUNCO is Monday, October 2nd (time is 1:00 pm) at the home of Marilyn Freitag, 1110 Ballata Court, Vista. Don’t forget if you are unable to attend, please call Jan Zacharias and she will assist in finding a substitute. Note: If you know someone who would like to be a substitute please call Jan Zacharias.
Book Club book is at Virginia Hueth's house on Tuesday, October 10th at 10:00 AM. October's Book is Anxious People by Frederick Backman. Please RSVP to Virginia.
Self Defense for Women and Children VFN's Membership meeting at the Broken Yolk is on Thursday October 12th, at 9:30 AM. Our speaker this month will be Cindy Baez. She owns Self Defense for Women and Children. She will show us what she teaches for self defense. The Future of Vista Friends & Newcomers Following […]
The LEO Luncheon will be held at Z CAFE, 5256 South Mission Road, Bonsall, on Friday October 20th at 1:30. Let Linda or Sandy know if you want to attend.
Join the Crafters on Tuesday, October 24, 1-3 to make rope baskets. Contact Shirley Higgins if you want to participate and you will receive a materials list to purchase on your own, or Shirley will purchase materials for you. The basket making craft will be done at Shirley’s home: 3552 Seafarer Drive, Oceanside.
Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 am at various residents. Please call Jan Zacharias and she will let you know if you are one of the lucky 12 players for that week. If you have questions call Jan at 805-252-8074