BUNCO is Monday, April 1st, at 1:00 PM at the home of Toby Leon, 2073 Columbus Way, Vista. Don’t forget if you are unable to attend, please call Jan Zacharias and she will assist in finding a substitute.
Book Club is Tuesday, April 9th at 10:00 AM at Virginia Hueth’s home. The book for April is Absent In the Spring By Mary Westmascott. Please call Virginia to let her know of you attendance.
This month for our monthly meeting, Lorraine from Garment Gourmet in Vista will be sharing with us all the exciting things her consignment store has to offer. I have been to a few of her fashion shows. She always has such nice things to show. I think you will all really enjoy her. The General […]
Join friends at the new location of (old town) Mining Company at 579 Grand Ave, San Marcos on Friday, April 19th at 12 noon. Call or text Sandy to reserve your spot.
Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 AM at Denny’s Restaurant, 540 W. Vista Way, Vista.. We need to buy something to eat and tip our waitress. We play in the back room. If you have questions call Jan at 805-252-8074
80’s Ladies will meet on Saturday, April 27th. We will celebrate Gail Michaels’ Birthday. Gail will give more details after she decides her plans for the day,
Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 AM at Denny’s Restaurant, 540 W. Vista Way, Vista.. We need to buy something to eat and tip our waitress. We play in the back room. If you have questions call Jan at 805-252-8074
Mah Jong is played every Wednesday at 10:00 AM at Denny’s Restaurant, 540 W. Vista Way, Vista.. We need to buy something to eat and tip our waitress. We play in the back room. If you have questions call Jan at 805-252-8074