Welcome to Vista Friend & Newcomers

Our purpose is to unite members in social and cultural activities and to foster acquaintances, cooperation and productive interests in the community.

As an active social group, the Club sponsors monthly Coffees, .Luncheons and Dinners. In addition, many special interest groups meet on a regular basis. Members come from the North San Diego cities of Vista, Oceanside, San Marcos, Carlsbad and Escondido.

Vista Friends and Newcomers meet every month, on the 2nd Thursday from 9:30 to Noon at Arcadia Place in Vista

Sylvia’s Tea Table

March 21st, 12:00 noon. We will go to Sylvia’s Tea Table for a special afternoon tea. Cost is $23.60 which includes a tip. Sylvia will make the afternoon beautiful. 2498 Majella-760-801-9041(near Rancho Guajome). Call Juanita ASAP with your reservation and money. We will car pool from Food for Less at 11:30 or go direct.