Checking in with everyone from VFN

Checking in with everyone from VFN

Hi Everyone,

As I sit here with my dog Poppy in my 645 sq. ft. apartment, I am thinking about all of you.  It certainly is a time of uncertainty for all of us.  The news that California is in a statewide stay at home order due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, makes it harder for us to stay in touch.   I’m going a little stir crazy in my 645 sq. ft. apartment.  I’m walking the dog, watching TV and reading.  I’ve even decided to cook!!  My freezer is stocked with soup, pasta sauce and some frozen meats. 
I had some muffins, sausage and cheese left over from the book club meeting that I had a couple of weeks ago, so I froze them.  My intention was to take it to Stitch & Bitch.  Unfortunately, I have pulled all that out and have been eating it.  I ate two Costco muffins yesterday and you know how big those are!  I need to take my mind off eating so I decided to reach out to all of you with this question:  WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHILE YOU ARE HOME?  Maybe you are doing something that is better than I am doing.
I pray you and your families are safe and healthy.  We will get through this!  I can’t wait to see all of you again at our general membership coffee and events.  Let’s stay in touch đŸ˜€

Judy BeaumontPresident, VFN